(FP,terms,scala) Partial Function

Anyone who starts to learn Scala(or other functional programming language) would have some difficulties with the jargons the FP people are using. I want to explain Scala features based on those terms used. The first one is Partial Function.

The concept of partial function is not so huge for Scala, and you can become familiar with the concepts by knowing the definition and usage of partial functions.

Definition of partial function

Mathematically, a partial function is a mapping whose value is defined on just part of its domain. For example, if we have to sets X = {1,2,3,4}, Y = {A,B,C}, the mapping (1,A),(2,B),(3,C) is a partial function because it does not have any function value when x = 4. Sometimes partial function is also called as partially defined function. The concept itself can be thought as a generalisation of the concept of function.

In scala, a PartialFunction is also a Function. So we can use PartialFunction instead of Function. You can use PartialFunction wherever you can use a Function.

Every PartialFunction should provide the isDefinedAt(value) method. This method returns true iff(if and only if) the function value is defined at value.

Why partial function is necessary?

What can we do if we have some function which can make abnormal result. How can we describe the abnormal result and process it? There can be some options:

  1. Throw an exception. Period.
  2. Use some special value to describe the abnormal situation. For example we can use values of Option or Either type to distinguish normal return and abnormal one. In Java you might use the null to represent the abnormal return value. But that is not recommended.

In Java you must use throws clause to express the exceptions your function may raise. But in Scala you don’t have to(We have @throws annotation for this purpose, but if you don’t want to use @throws you may not). So in Scala it is recommended to use types such as Option, Either, or Try. Every time you see those types from the function signature, you can immediately know that the function can return some special value for exceptional cases.

But if you have a function that can work on some specific values, how can you describe that function in your program? The possible options are:

  1. Throw InvalidArgumentException.
  2. Return some special value describing the argument error.
  3. Make some PartialFunction. Before calling that PartialFunction, you need to call isDefinedAt on that function to check whether you can get right return value or not. If isDefinedAt returns true, you can call the PartialFunction without concerning about any exceptional situations.

The first option is somewhat traditional in Java. The second option is not recommended because you need to check every function return and you cannot separate the normal flow from the abnormal flow. Using the third option the reader of your program can know the function is partial function by checking the function’s type.

One of the advantages in using the PartialFunction is we can freely compose the partial function to form a new partial function. We have two predefined composition functions in PartialFunction[A]:

  • def andThen[C](k: (B) ⇒ C): PartialFunction[A, C]
  • def orElse[A1 <: A, B1 >: B](that: PartialFunction[A1, B1]): PartialFunction[A1, B1]

andThen applies the partial function (referred by this) only if the input is valid(by using isDefinedAt). And apply the result to function received by k argument. The composed function has the same domain as the original function(this). But the return value will be the composition of k and this.

orElse returns the result of applying the input to the original function(this), but if this is not defined at the input value orElse check the that function’s isDefinedAt for the input value. And call that if that is defined at the input value. In effect, orElse unions the domains of the two functions with this some precedence. The result function will be defined at the union of domain of this and that.

The contract the PartialFunction need to keep

The contract is:

If a function is a PartialFunction, it should provide isDefinedAt. And if the return value of f.isDefinedAt(x) is true for a PartialFunction f, f(x) should return normal value

But the compiler cannot force a PartialFunction to keep those contract. So the programmer need to be careful to keep the contract, providing correct implementations of both isDefinedAt() and apply(). Then the use of the PartialFunction can check isDefinedAt() before calling the function.


Simple Example

Let’s check an example. In finance, Rule of 72 gives you a convenient way to calculate how long an investment(or debt) will take to double using some fixed interest rate by compounding.

// Rule of 72 calculation
val doublePeriod = new PartialFunction[Int, Int] {
  def apply(d: Int) = 72 / d
  // The rull can be applied to somewhat low interest rates
  def isDefinedAt(d: Int) = d > 0 && d < 40 

Then we can use this PartialFunction as below:

scala> doublePeriod(10)
res0: Int = 7

scala> doublePeriod(0)
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
  at $anon$1.apply$mcII$sp(<console>:12)
  ... 32 elided

scala> doublePeriod(50)
res2: Int = 1

scala> doublePeriod.isDefinedAt(50)
res3: Boolean = false

scala> doublePeriod.isDefinedAt(0)
res4: Boolean = false

As you can see, there is no limitation calling the function even if isDefinedAt() returns false. So the caller should take care of calling the isDefinedAt() and not call if that function returns false.

Let’s check andThen and orElse example. First, make two partial functions.

val oddFt = new PartialFunction[Int, Int] {
  def apply(x: Int) = x + 1
  def isDefinedAt(x: Int) = x%2 == 1

val evenFt = new PartialFunction[Int, Int] {
  def apply(x: Int) = x * 2 + 1
  def isDefinedAt(x: Int) = x%2 == 0

Let’s do a few experiments using the above two partial functions:

scala> val range = 1 to 10
range: scala.collection.immutable.Range.Inclusive = Range(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

scala> range.map(oddFt.isDefinedAt)
res5: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Boolean] = Vector(true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false)

scala> range.map(evenFt.isDefinedAt)
res6: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Boolean] = Vector(false, true, false, true, false, true, false, true, false, true)

scala> oddFt(1)
res9: Int = 2

scala> evenFt(2)
res10: Int = 5

scala> val composed = oddFt andThen evenFt
composed: PartialFunction[Int,Int] = <function1>

scala> composed(1) = 5

scala> val merged = oddFt orElse evenFt
merged: PartialFunction[Int,Int] = <function1>

scala> merged(1)
res16: Int = 2

scala> merged(2)
res17: Int = 5

scala> range.map(merged.isDefinedAt)
res18: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Boolean] = Vector(true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true)

Real Scala PartialFunction examples

scala collections

Many Scala collections are implementing PartialFunction. I will just check the Map for the classical partial function example. You may check the “Known Subclasses” section of the PartialFunction scaladoc to get the full list of classes which derive PartialFunction.


As the name implies, Map is a mapping from keys to values. So inherently it is very similar to function. And if the key value set of a Map is finite, the Map can be considered as a PartialFunction. So Map has the andThen and orElse and also other methods from the PartialFunction:

  • def andThen[C](k: (B) ⇒ C): PartialFunction[A, C]: Composes this partial function with a transformation function that gets applied to results of this partial function.
  • def applyOrElse[A1 <: A, B1 >: B](x: A1, default: (A1) ⇒ B1): B1: Applies this partial function to the given argument when it is contained in the function domain.
  • def compose[A](g: (A) ⇒ A): (A) ⇒ B: Composes two instances of Function1 in a new Function1, with this function applied last.
  • def lift: (A) ⇒ Option[B]: Turns this partial function into a plain function returning an Option result.
  • def orElse[A1 <: A, B1 >: B](that: PartialFunction[A1, B1]): PartialFunction[A1, B1]: Composes this partial function with a fallback partial function which gets applied where this partial function is not defined.
  • def runWith[U](action: (B) ⇒ U): (A) ⇒ Boolean: Composes this partial function with an action function which gets applied to results of this partial function.

Moreover there are some other methods as well:

  • def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): Map[B]: Builds a new collection by applying a partial function to all elements of this map on which the function is defined.
  • def collectFirst[B](pf: PartialFunction[(K, V), B]): Option[B]: Finds the first element of the traversable or iterator for which the given partial function is defined, and applies the partial function to it.

receive of Actor

Except the collections, the most famous PartialFunction in Scala would be the receive method of an Actor. An Actor can receive any message, the ActorSystem should know whether the Actor can process the message or not. If you check the scaladoc of Akka actor, you may notice:

  • type Receive = PartialFunction[Any, Unit]
  • abstract def receive: Actor.Receive : Scala API: This defines the initial actor behavior, it must return a partial function with the actor logic.

Here, the type of receive is PartialFunction[Any,Unit]. So the ActorSystem can call isDefinedAt() on the partial function which Actor’s receive returns.

^? of Scala Parser Combinator

If you check Scala Parser API doc, you can find:

  • def ^?[U](f: PartialFunction[T, U]): Parser[U] : p ^? f succeeds if p succeeds AND f is defined at the result of p; in that case, it returns f applied to the result of p.
  • def ^?[U](f: PartialFunction[T, U], error: (T) ⇒ String): Parser[U] : p ^? (f, error) succeeds if p succeeds AND f is defined at the result of p; in that case, it returns f applied to the result of p. If f is not applicable, error (the result of p) should explain why.

Three ways to declare a PartialFunction

First style: using the PartialFunction trait

Obviously, the first way to declare a PartialFunction is creating a class deriving PartialFunction and overriding necessary methods such as isDefinedAt() and apply(). We saw that in the previous examples. You may mix-in the PartialFunction trait into your class as well.

But there are two more ways to make PartialFunction easily. Let’s check those.

Second style: Using match expression

Let’s start by checking an example:

// save this file as match.scala
object MatchTest {
  def main(args: Array[String]):Unit = {
    val x = 1
    val y = (x:Int) => x match {
        case 1 => "One"
        case 2 => "Two"
        case 3 => "Three"
    // Same lambda, different type
    val z:PartialFunction[Int,String] = (x:Int) => x match {
        case 1 => "One"
        case 2 => "Two"
        case 3 => "Three"

If you check the compiler generated output using scalac -Xprint:all .\match.scala, you can see:

[[syntax trees at end of                    parser]] // match.scala
package <empty> {
  object MatchTest extends scala.AnyRef {
    def <init>() = {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
      val x = 1;
      val y = ((x: Int) => x match {
        case 1 => "One"
        case 2 => "Two"
        case 3 => "Three"
      val z: PartialFunction[Int, String] = ((x: Int) => x match {
        case 1 => "One"
        case 2 => "Two"
        case 3 => "Three"

[[syntax trees at end of                     namer]] // match.scala: tree is unchanged since parser
[[syntax trees at end of            packageobjects]] // match.scala: tree is unchanged since parser
[[syntax trees at end of                     typer]] // match.scala
package <empty> {
  object MatchTest extends scala.AnyRef {
    def <init>(): MatchTest.type = {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
      val x: Int = 1;
      val y: Int => String = ((x: Int) => x match {
        case 1 => "One"
        case 2 => "Two"
        case 3 => "Three"
      val z: PartialFunction[Int,String] = ({
        @SerialVersionUID(value = 0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction[Int,String] with Serializable {
          def <init>(): <$anon: Int => String> = {
          final override def applyOrElse[A1 <: Int, B1 >: String](x: A1, default: A1 => B1): B1 = (x: A1 @unchecked) match {
            case 1 => "One"
            case 2 => "Two"
            case 3 => "Three"
            case (defaultCase$ @ _) => default.apply(x)
          final def isDefinedAt(x: Int): Boolean = (x: Int @unchecked) match {
            case 1 => true
            case 2 => true
            case 3 => true
            case (defaultCase$ @ _) => false
        new $anonfun()
      }: PartialFunction[Int,String]);

[[syntax trees at end of                    patmat]] // match.scala
package <empty> {
  object MatchTest extends scala.AnyRef {
    def <init>(): MatchTest.type = {
    def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
      val x: Int = 1;
      val y: Int => String = ((x: Int) => {
        case <synthetic> val x1: Int = x;
        x1 match {
          case 1 => "One"
          case 2 => "Two"
          case 3 => "Three"
          case _ => throw new MatchError(x1)
      val z: PartialFunction[Int,String] = ({
        @SerialVersionUID(value = 0) final <synthetic> class $anonfun extends scala.runtime.AbstractPartialFunction[Int,String] with Serializable {
          def <init>(): <$anon: Int => String> = {
          final override def applyOrElse[A1 <: Int, B1 >: String](x: A1, default: A1 => B1): B1 = {
            case <synthetic> val x1: A1 = (x: A1 @unchecked);
              if (1.==(x1))
              if (2.==(x1))
              if (3.==(x1))
            matchEnd6(x: B1){
          final def isDefinedAt(x: Int): Boolean = {
            case <synthetic> val x1: Int = (x: Int @unchecked);
            x1 match {
              case 1 => true
              case 2 => true
              case 3 => true
              case _ => false
        new $anonfun()
      }: PartialFunction[Int,String]);
... omit output ...

If you analyse the compiler output, you may notice the difference between the untyped lambda and PartialFunction typed lambda. While the typer performs type checking, it automatically insert the isDefinedAt() and applyOrElse. This is where the magic happens. The runtime AbstractPartialFunction supplies the apply() override method. So the whole lambda can become a PartialFunction with all the methods available.

abbreviated match form: case clauses

And in the form we used val z: PartialFunction[Int, String] = ((x: Int) => x match { ... }, the x parameter does nothing but a boilerplate for defining a lambda. So Scala permits programmers use the match expression without providing the only explicit parameter used. To use this shorter form, you only need to use the case parts, by omitting the parameter, =>) and x match, as below:

val z2:PartialFunction[Int,String] = {
  case 1 => "One"
  case 2 => "Two"
  case 3 => "Three"

If you use this abbreviated form instead of the original lambda in match.scala you can get the same result bytecode. Those case block can used as a PartialFunction. And because a PartialFunction is also a derived class of Function, you can use the case block form wherever you need a lambda or a function. But you should be careful because it can raise the MatchError if the input does not match anyone of the cases.

Because of this, you can easily pass the case match expression into HOF using the abbreviated form.

scala> List(1,2,3) map { 
     | case 1 => "One"
     | case 2 => "Two"
     | case _ => "Other" }
res2: List[String] = List(One, Two, Other)

Third Style: Using Collection

As I mentioned earlier in Real Scala PartialFunction examples, the Scala collections provides the override methods for the PartialFunction trait.

Let’s consider List, Map, Array:

scala> val family = List("Frank","Kevin","Joshua")
family: List[String] = List(Frank, Kevin, Joshua)

scala> family(0)
res6: String = Frank

scala> family(3)
java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: 3
  at scala.collection.LinearSeqOptimized$class.apply(LinearSeqOptimized.scala:65)
  at scala.collection.immutable.List.apply(List.scala:84)
  ... 32 elided

scala> val familyMap = Map( "dad" -> "Frank", "mum" -> "Joyce")
familyMap: scala.collection.immutable.Map[String,String] = Map(dad -> Frank, mum -> Joyce)

scala> familyMap("dad")
res8: String = Frank

scala> familyMap("mistress")
java.util.NoSuchElementException: key not found: mistress
  at scala.collection.MapLike$class.default(MapLike.scala:228)
  at scala.collection.AbstractMap.default(Map.scala:59)
  at scala.collection.MapLike$class.apply(MapLike.scala:141)
  at scala.collection.AbstractMap.apply(Map.scala:59)
  ... 32 elided

scala> val arr = Array(1,2,3,4,5)
arr: Array[Int] = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

scala> arr(0)
res10: Int = 1

scala> arr(-1)
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
  ... 32 elided

What is the common characteristics of all the element getting operations (in reality, that operation is implemented by the apply(i) method by the Scala convention)?

  • If i is greater or equal to 0 and i is less than the number of elements, the operation returns the element at that position.
  • Otherwise, the operation throws IndexOutOfBoundsException or ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.

Similarly, for Map the operation apply(key) provides:

  • If the key matches one of the keys in the map, it will return the associated value for the key.
  • Otherwise, it throws NoSuchElementException.

Did you realize something familiar we’ve already seen? Yes! That is basically same as the PartialFunction. So Scala collections mix in the PartialFunction:

scala> family.isDefinedAt(100)
res12: Boolean = false

scala> familyMap.isDefinedAt("Hoho")
res13: Boolean = false

scala> arr.isDefinedAt(Int.MaxValue)
res14: Boolean = false

So, one of the most simple way to define a PartialFunction without using case block is making a Map. You may use List or Array for providing a PartialFunction with consecutive integers from 0 to some number as its domain, but that is very limited usage. Because of that, using Map is much powerful than other collections.

scala> val y:PartialFunction[Int, String] = Map( 1->"One", 2->"Two" )
y: PartialFunction[Int,String] = Map(1 -> One, 2 -> Two)

Sometimes people confused the partial function with the partially applied function. So next time I will explain about the partially applied function.